image: abali/janitor:v1.2.2
container_name: janitor
- 8080:8080
restart: unless-stopped
- ./config/config.yml:/janitor/config.yml
### All these directives are optional. If missing, defaults will be applied (see below).
# Enable debug logging (default: false)
# If enabled, detailed information about received data will be logged.
# If disabled, only errors will be logged.
debug: true
# Maximum size of log history to maintain (default: 1000)
logsize: 1000
# hostname (default: obtained from OS or "janitor"), used for Prometheus metrics
hostname: "janitor"
# Configuration of built in web server:
# - Host name (default: '' meaning all interfaces will be bound)
# - Port number (default: 8080)
host: ""
port: 8080
### All these blocks are optional. If missing, will not be monitored.
# MQTT monitoring
# Server connection details
# Scheme (optional: can be mqtt or mqtts, mqtt by default) and host name
server: mqtt://openwrt.lan
# Port number (default: 1883)
port: 1883
# User and password if required
# Maximum number of messages to retain for display and average frequency calculation (default: 10)
history: 10
# Standard timeout to apply as a multiple of the average transmit frequency (default: 1.5, interpreted as 1.5 * avg transmit frequency)
# (can be overridden per topics below)
standardtimeout: 1.5
# Topics to monitor. Can include wildcard ('/#') and wildcard subscriptions can overlap with others.
# In case of overlap, the first matching topic will be used to determine timeout.
# Topic name
- topic: "/sensors/aqara_inside/#"
# Custom timeout threshold (fixed value in seconds) to be used for the topic (default: standardtimeout as defined above)
timeout: 3600
# Custom name to show instead of MQTT topic (note: does not work with wildcard topic names, only exact matches)
name: "Inside temperature"
- topic: "/sensors/aqara_outside/#"
timeout: 3600
- topic: "/sensors/#"
- topic: "/stats/#"
# Ping monitoring
# Default interval between checks in seconds (default: 60)
# (can be overridden per target below)
interval: 60
# Threshold for alerts - number of consecutive misses to reach (default: 2)
# (can be overridden per target below)
threshold: 2
# Targets to ping
# Name of the target (used for display and alerting)
- name: openwrt
# Network address to ping
address: openwrt.lan
# Interval between checks in seconds (default: default interval specified above)
interval: 10
# Threshold for alerts - number of consecutive misses to reach (default: default threshold specified above)
threshold: 3
- name: google
address: google.com
# HTTP monitoring
# Default interval between checks in seconds (default: 60)
# (can be overridden per target below)
interval: 60
# Default timeout for the HTTP requests in milliseconds (default: 5000)
# (can be overridden per target below)
timeout: 5000
# Threshold for alerts - number of consecutive misses to reach (default: 2)
# (can be overridden per target below)
threshold: 2
# Targets to monitor with HTTP GET
# Name of the target (used for display and alerting)
- name: NAS
# HTTP address for GET request
address: http://index.nas
# String value to check for in reply (optional - not used if not specified)
value: nas
# Interval between checks in seconds (default: default interval specified above)
interval: 10
# Timeout for the HTTP requests in milliseconds (default: default interval specified above)
timeout: 500
# Threshold for alerts - number of consecutive failed requests to reach (default: default threshold specified above)
threshold: 3
- name: google
address: http://google.com
# Monitoring by executing an external command
# Default interval between checks in seconds (default: 60)
# (can be overridden per target below)
interval: 60
# Default timeout for the command to complete in milliseconds (default: 5000).
# The execution will be terminated and marked as failed when this timeout is reached.
timeout: 5000
# Threshold for alerts - number of consecutive failed commands to reach (default: 2)
# (can be overridden per target below)
threshold: 2
# Name of the target (used for display and alerting)
- name: check if /tmp/foo exists
# Command to be executed. On Linux, this will be given to a shell process.
command: test -f /tmp/foo
### All these blocks are optional. If missing, will not be used for alerting.
# Telegram alerting. Please specify token and chat id for the messages.
# For more information, please see:
# https://core.telegram.org/bots#6-botfather
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/45414021/get-telegram-channel-group-id
# chat: 12
# Gotify alerting. Please specify server and token.
# server: "http://nas:8765"
# token: AMuHwu9EhjF0Z4M
# Executing arbitrary commands. On Linux, this will be given to a shell process.
# The command will receive the alert message on standard input.
#exec: /home/joe/bin/alert.sh
# Alerting by posting to predefined MQTT topic with a JSON payload. Example payload with description of the structure:
# {"type":"HTTP", // type of the sensor - potential values: HTTP, Ping, MQTT
# "name":"NAS", // name of the sensor
# "status":"ERROR", // status of the sensor - potential values: OK, ERROR
# "since":"2020-03-22T18:58:00.157284409+01:00", // last error/ok timestamp for sensor
# "error":"", // further error message if any
# "message":"⚠ HTTP ERROR for NAS, last seen 2s ago"} // text alert message
# Server connection details
# Scheme (optional: can be mqtt or mqtts, mqtt by default) and host name
server: mqtt://openwrt.lan
# Port number (default: 1883)
port: 1883
# User and password if required
topic: /janitor/alerts