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Azure CLI 2.0 Cheatsheet

Azure CLI 2.0 cheatsheet for Login, Resources, VMs, Resource groups, Storage, Batch, and Containers.

Logging in

Login with web

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az login

Login in CLI

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az login -u [email protected]

List accounts

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az account list

Set subscription

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az account set --subscription "xxx"

Listing locations and resources / general

List all locations

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az account list-locations

List all my resource groups

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az resource list

Get what version of the CLI you have

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azure --version

Get help

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azure help

Creating a basic VM / Resource Group / Storage Account

Get all available VM sizes

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az vm list-sizes --location eastus

Get all available VM images for Windows and Linux

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az vm image list --output table

Create a Linux VM

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az vm create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM --image ubuntults

Create a Windows VM

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az vm create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM --image win2016datacenter

Create a Resource group

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az group create --name myresourcegroup --location eastus

Create a Storage account.

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az storage account create -g myresourcegroup -n mystorageaccount -l eastus --sku Standard_LRS


Permanetly deletes a resource group

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az group delete --name myResourceGroup

Managing VM's

List your VMs

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az vm list

Start a VM

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az vm start --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM

Stop a VM

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az vm stop --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM

Deallocate a VM

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az vm deallocate --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM

Restart a VM

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az vm restart --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM

Redeploy a VM

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az vm redeploy --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM

Delete a VM

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az vm delete --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myVM

Create image of a VM

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az image create --resource-group myResourceGroup --source myVM --name myImage

Create VM from image

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az vm create --resource-group myResourceGroup --name myNewVM --image myImage

List VM extensions

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az vm extension list --resource-group azure-playground-resources --vm-name azure-playground-vm

Delete VM extensions

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az vm extension delete --resource-group azure-playground-resources --vm-name azure-playground-vm --name bootstrapper

Managing Batch Account

Create a Batch account.

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az batch account create -g myresourcegroup -n mybatchaccount -l eastus

Create a Storage account.

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az storage account create -g myresourcegroup -n mystorageaccount -l eastus --sku Standard_LRS

Associate Batch with storage account.

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az batch account set -g myresourcegroup -n mybatchaccount --storage-account mystorageaccount

We can now authenticate directly against the account for further CLI interaction.

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az batch account login -g myresourcegroup -n mybatchaccount

Display the details of our created account.

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az batch account show -g myresourcegroup -n mybatchaccount

Create a new application.

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az batch application create --resource-group myresourcegroup --name mybatchaccount --application-id myapp --display-name "My Application"

Add zip files to application

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az batch application package create --resource-group myresourcegroup --name mybatchaccount --application-id myapp --package-file --version 1.0

Assign the application package as the default version.

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az batch application set --resource-group myresourcegroup --name mybatchaccount --application-id myapp --default-version 1.0

Retrieve a list of available images and node agent SKUs.

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az batch pool node-agent-skus list

Create new Linux pool with VM config

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az batch pool create \
    --id mypool-linux \
    --vm-size Standard_A1 \
    --image canonical:ubuntuserver:16.04.0-LTS \
    --node-agent-sku-id “batch.node.ubuntu 16.04”

Now let's resize the pool to start up some VMs.

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az batch pool resize --pool-id mypool-linux --target-dedicated 5

We can check the status of the pool to see when it has finished resizing.

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az batch pool show --pool-id mypool-linux

List the compute nodes running in a pool.

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az batch node list --pool-id mypool-linux

If a particular node in the pool is having issues, it can be rebooted or reimaged. A typical node ID will be in the format 'tvm-xxxxxxxxxx_1-'.

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az batch node reboot --pool-id mypool-linux --node-id tvm-123_1-20170316t000000z

Re-allocate work to another node.

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az batch node delete \
    --pool-id mypool-linux \
    --node-list tvm-123_1-20170316t000000z tvm-123_2-20170316t000000z \
    --node-deallocation-option requeue

Create a new job to encapsulate the tasks that we want to add.

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az batch job create --id myjob --pool-id mypool

Add tasks to the job.

…where is your preferred shell for execution (/bin/sh, /bin/bash, /bin/ksh etc.), and /path/to/ is, of course, the full path of the shell script you’re invoking to get things started.

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az batch task create --job-id myjob --task-id task1 --application-package-references myapp#1.0 --command-line "/bin/<shell> -c /path/to/"

Add many tasks at once

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az batch task create --job-id myjob --json-file tasks.json

Now that all the tasks are added - we can update the job so that it will automatically be marked as completed once all the tasks are finished.

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az batch job set --job-id myjob --on-all-tasks-complete terminateJob

Monitor the status of the job.

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az batch job show --job-id myjob

Monitor the status of a task.

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az batch task show --job-id myjob --task-id task1

Delete a job

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az batch job delete --job-id myjob

Managing Containers

If you HAVE AN SSH run this to create an Azure Container Service Cluster (~10 mins)

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az acs create -n acs-cluster -g acsrg1 -d applink789

If you DO NOT HAVE AN SSH run this to create an Azure Container Service Cluster (~10 mins)

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az acs create -n acs-cluster -g acsrg1 -d applink789 --generate-ssh-keys

List clusters under your whole subscription

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az acs list --output table

List clusters in a resource group

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az acs list -g acsrg1 --output table

Display details of a container service cluster

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az acs show -g acsrg1 -n acs-cluster --output list

Scale using ACS

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az acs scale -g acsrg1 -n acs-cluster --new-agent-count 4

Delete a cluster

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az acs delete -g acsrg1 -n acs-cluster

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